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What is Heart Failure ?

What is heart failure?
Heart failure is a condition where the heart is unable to pump blood around the body as well as it should. In other words, the heart can’t deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to allow the body to work normally.

Heart failure is characterized by several symptoms caused by fluid accumulation and reduced blood flow. The most common symptoms are edema (fluid retention), breathlessness, and tiredness.1
Normal heart
Heart illustration showing normal heart
Heart failure usually results in an enlarged heart
Heart illustration showing heart failure results
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What is heart rate?

“It is the number of times the heart beats within a certain time period, usually a minute. The heart rate can be felt at the wrist, side of the neck, back of the knees, top of the foot, groin, and other places in the body where an artery is close to the skin. Measuring the heart rate gives important information about a person’s health. Also called pulse.”3
Light bulbDid you know?

Normal heart beat should be 60-100

bpm. It can go up to 130-150 bpm when exercising. However, if you develop any symptoms or suspect your pulse is irregular, let your doctor know.2