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Tips to practice at work

  • When sitting, straighten your legs out underneath your desk to exercise abdominal muscles and leg muscles.
  • Set the angle of the backrest of your chair to greater than 90,°so that you’re leaning back slightly.
  • If you’re all alone, try shutting off the computer for a bit and exercising. If you’re on your mobile phone, get up and stretch or move about––make the most of time away from your desk.
  • If you’re alone, making music while working can relieve stress and promote body movement. A smaller instrument in the workplace is better for everyone.
  • Standing desks and/or treadmill desks have begun to appear in the workplace because constant, long-term immobility has been shown to have deleterious effects on employee health. Whatever you can do to keep active at work is critical to your long-term well-being. Persuade your employer that apart from the added health benefit, movement will aid productivity. Surely a winning argument!
  • Don’t sit still, move. As long you move, you will be helping to keep yourself in better shape. Constant movement uses up calories and contributes to cardiovascular health. When you need to speak to someone, visit him or her in person. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Take the long way to the coffee machine, have a chat, come back. It all helps break the sedentary routine.
  • If you’re a runner or jogger, you can sit on the floor and stretch as you use the computer. It will save you time too if you have to do both anyway.
  • Remember to take care of your eyes! Your eyesight will suffer in the long term if you focus on one thing for long periods of time (such as your monitor). So take “eye” breaks: look out the window and focus on something distant to keep your eyes in shape.